Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hibiscus Care

Growing hibiscus is not a very hard task. You will only need to know certain facts about the plant, and follow directions on how to care for the plant. One of the most important things to remember is that these plants are typically grown in tropical and subtropical areas, which means that these plants require plenty of sunlight, as well as a warm surrounding. You will need to keep them in temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In hotter temperatures above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, you will need to increase the water and humidity level of the plant. The ideal temperature for these plants to grow in is between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hibiscus will grow better in high humidity climates. Therefore it might be necessary for you to occasionally spray the plants with water that is not too cold. Ideally, you should use a humidifier, or keep the plant in a humidity tray.

Online Degree

Type of Soil and Fertilizer:

The type of soil that is best for growing hibiscus is the type of soil that is very good quality potting soil, as well as well drained.

Hibiscus requires a good amount of nutrients while growing and blooming. During this time of their development it is best to feed them at least once every other week with an all purpose, water soluble fertilizer. During the winter months, you should cut back the feeding to once a month.


Crowding them in a pot will actually benefit their growth and blooming ability. If you feel that they are too crowded in the pot, you may place them in a slightly larger pot, no bigger than two inches more than the current pot. If they are already in a large pot you should not repot them. Instead you should simply replace the topsoil of the plants.

Hibiscus Fertilizer

Growing and caring for hibiscus begins with the type of soil and fertilizer you use. If you use the wrong type you will have a hibiscus plant that will not grow up to its potential. It might not grow to its full size, or it may produce substandard looking flowers.

Type to Use:

In order to prevent the roots from rotting you will need to use soil that is well drained and loose. The soil is the most important part in growing a beautiful hibiscus plant. The use of fertilizer is also necessary for optimum growth of the plant. It is very important to the well being of the plant that you lightly fertilize the soils often. You will need to use a well balanced type of fertilizer with trace elements for best care of your hibiscus.

It is very important that you use a water soluble fertilizer that can be applied at least once a week. Keeping the mulch at least two inches from the trunk of the plant is also essential. If the mulch gets too close to the truck it could possibly cause the truck to rot or become infested with molds.

Other Advantages of Using the Right Fertilizer:

We are all well aware of the helpful properties of using fertilizer on the hibiscus plant when it comes to helping it grow up to its full potential. However, there are other benefits to frequently fertilizing the flowerbed. The fertilizer can also act as a repellant against insects and bugs that could damage the plant. There are many different types of insects that could potentially do a lot of damage to your hibiscus plant. The fertilizer can act as an insecticide and kill these insects before they do any damage. They can also be used to prevent weeds from growing in the flowerbed and potentially take nutrients away from the plant.

Hibiscus Care

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mental Abuse - The 7 Most Important Things To Know

1. Sticks and stones won't break my bones" - and words won't leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.

Being told you are "stupid", "ugly", "lazy" or "worthless" is never acceptable. The first times you hear it, it will hurt, naturally. In time you "may get used to" hearing it from a partner. That's when you start to internalise and believe it. When that happens you are doing the other person's work of putting you down for them. This is why your feelings of self-worth suffer increasingly over time.

Online Degree

The good news is that just as words have been used to bring you down, you can learn to harness the power of words to build you up and restore your confidence and belief in yourself.

2. You are always told that it's your fault. Somehow, whatever happens, however it starts, the ultimate blame is always yours. Notice that we are talking ultimate blame here. The blaming partner will always tell you that their behaviour was caused by what you said or did. In fact, their argument runs along the lines that you can't possibly blame them for anything, because if you hadn't said what you said, or done what you did it would never have happened.

3. You're more inclined to believe your partner than you are to believe yourself. Have you ever reeled with a sense of hurt and injustice, or seethed with anger at the way you've been treated? Have you found yourself asking: "Is it reasonable to feel like this?" "Am I misinterpreting things?" "Have I got it wrong?"

If this is you, what it means is that you have become so brainwashed you've stopped trusting in your own judgement. Your mind keeps throwing up the observations and questions because, deep down, you know that what is happening is utterly wrong. But right now you can't feel the strength of your own convictions.

4. You need your partner to acknowledge your feelings. Have you ever felt desperate to make your partner hear what you are saying and apologise for the hurtful things they've said? Have you ever felt that only they can heal the pain they've caused?

Does your need for them to validate your feelings keep you hooked into the relationship?

When a partner constantly denies or refuses to listen to your feelings, that is, unquestionably, mental abuse.

5. Your partner blows hot and cold. He can be very loving but is often highly critical of you. He may tell you how much he loves you, yet he is short on care or consideration towards you. In fact, some of the time, maybe even a lot of the time, he treats you as if you were someone he truly dislikes.

You do everything you can to make him happy, but it's never good enough. You're more like the pet dog in the relationship than you are the equal partner. Your constant efforts to get his attention and please him meet with limited success. Sometimes he'll be charmed, often he's dismissive.

If you find yourself puzzling about how your partner can treat you that way, it is because you are trying to live in a love-based relationship, when in reality you are living in a control-based relationship. The mental abuser struggles with his own feelings of worthlessness and uses his relationship to create a feeling of personal power, at his partner's expense.

6. You feel as if you are constantly walking on eggshells. There is a real degree of fear in the relationship. You have come to dread his outbursts, the hurtful things that he will find to say to you. (Maybe the same anxiety and need to please spill over into your other relationships also.)

Fear is not part of a loving relationship, but it is a vital part of a mentally abusive relationship. It enables the abuser to maintain control over you.

7. You can heal. Mentally abusive relationships cause enormous emotional damage to the loving partner who tries, against all odds, to hold the relationship together and, ultimately, can't do it, because her partner is working against her.

Whether you are currently in a mentally abusive relationship, have left one recently, or years later are still struggling with the anxieties and low self-worth and lack of confidence caused by mental abuse, it is never too late to heal.

But you do need to work with a person or a programme specifically geared to mental abuse recovery.

Women who have suffered mental abuse expect radical change of themselves, and they expect it right away. This is why they often struggle and, not uncommonly, take up with another abusive partner.

Mental abuse recovery is a gradual process. Low self-worth and limiting beliefs about what kind of future the abuse sufferer can ever hope for are the blocks that can stop women from moving on. But they are blocks that you can clear very effectively. Just as language was once used to harm you, you can now learn how language can heal you. You can overcome past mental abuse and keep yourself safe from it in the future. You can also learn to feel strong, believe in yourself and create the life and the relationships you truly want.

"The Woman You Want To Be" is a unique workbook designed to accompany you on a year long journey into emotional health and happiness.

(C) 2005 Annie Kaszina

Mental Abuse - The 7 Most Important Things To Know

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

7 Leading Causes of Stress

In 1967, Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, from the University of Washington, did a study on the connection between significant life events and illness. As part of that study, they compiled a chart of the major causes of stress. That chart, which contained 43 causes of stress in 1967, was updated to 55 causes in 2006. Apparently, society is finding more causes to feel stressed.

If you knew the leading causes of stress in your life, would you take action to eradicate them? Can you eradicate stress - or is it an inoperable condition that will be with you all of your life, possibly causing your eventual death?

Online Degree

Which Is Your Leading Cause of Stress?

1. Finances

Most studies agree that finances are a leading cause of stress. In an online poll conducted in 2005 by LifeCare, Inc., 23 percent of respondents named finances as the leading cause of stress in their lives. Financial stress has led the list in many modern polls.

Some who name finances as the leading cause of stress cite major purchases they have to make, such as a home or car. Others are stressed by a loss of income, or mounting credit card debt. For some, financial stress will eventuate in bankruptcy. While college students stress over paying for an education, Baby Boomers and older senior citizens find that retirement income can be a major cause of stress.

2. Work

Closely tied to finances as a cause of stress is work. Our jobs or careers seem to cause constant stress. In the LifeCare poll, 21 percent of those responding listed this as the leading cause of stress in life.

How is the workplace a cause of stress? We worry about getting and keeping adequate employment. We worry about new types of work or new responsibilities. We struggle to climb a career ladder, overwhelmed by the demands. Work conditions may change, or we may have interpersonal trouble at work. Students, especially teenagers and college age students, cite school work as a cause of stress. Sometimes, work stress is brought on by others. Sometimes, we bring it on ourselves.

3. Family

Family, wonderful though each member may be, is also a leading cause of stress. Arguments erupt with a spouse or other family member. Parents divorce. Children marry. The ebb and flow of family life is filled with stress. A child moves out - an aging parent moves in.

Family health is also a leading cause of stress. A sick family member, a serious injury, pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion all cause stress. Family changes of other kinds bring stress, too. Adoption, relocation, and job changes for just one family member can cause stress for all.

4. Personal Concerns

Personal concerns that are only indirectly created by others are another top cause of stress. Lack of control tops the list of personal concerns. Every human has a deep-seated desire for control over his or her own life. When control is weak or missing in a given area, we experience stress. To many people, a lack of control over their own time is a leading cause of stress. We want to determine when we do tasks around the home, or at work. Holding a job, participating in the children's carpool to school, driving family to soccer practices, shopping, and scout meetings while trying to keep the household running can create major stress. You would like to control your time, rather than let others' demands control it, but that is not always possible.

We may be involved in legal proceedings that cause stress. We may be wrestling with a bad habit. We may be going through changes. Personal change of any kind can be a cause of stress.

5. Personal Health and Safety

Most people find that personal health is a leading cause of stress. For some, the stress is linked to obesity, and a desire to lose weight. For others, the stress is a personal bas habit that affects health and must be changed. For example, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Illness or injury, whether less or more serious, can be a leading cause of stress for many people. Incontinence can be an ongoing concern. Personal health is more or less stressful according to the degree of seriousness and our personal outlook on health.

Personal safety is also a leading cause of stress. Women, more than men, tend to stress about their own and others' safety. Adults tend to stress more than young people, who may act invincible. Crime is a factor, as is

6. Personal Relationships

Whether it is a friendship, dating, separation, marriage, divorce, or re-marriage, a relationship can be a leading cause of stress for many. We all want love, and that is potentially available in relationships, but getting from A to B can be very stressful. Some resort to online relationships that are easier to handle. Others withdraw and become recluses. Either way, the demands on time, finances, and emotions can cause ongoing stress.

7. Death

Probably the most wrenching cause of stress is the death of a loved one or close friend. Even the death of a pet can be stressful. Children are always a source of stress for parents, but when a child dies, the stress is overwhelming. The same is true when a lifetime spouse passes on.

Win or Lose

Causes of stress change as we age. The stressed child who threw tantrums becomes a young student, stressed by the school bully. The young student becomes a teenager, stressed by acne, hormones, and dating. The teenager becomes a young adult trying to handle the stresses of leaving home, adjusting to college life, and managing finances. Life progresses to first jobs, marriage, children, and so on. Even if you move to a secluded cabin in the woods, stress will follow you.

Gaining knowledge of the leading causes of stress is important. Using that knowledge to win over unhealthy stress is vital.

7 Leading Causes of Stress

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Free CNA Classes Online

There are many educational options available to you if you are planning to study for certification as a nursing assistant. One of the options for you is to take online CNA classes. Some of your nursing assistant education can be completed online.

As you can imagine, there are several different benefit to taking nursing assistant certification classes online. If you are already working a full-time job, taking the courses online provides you with the opportunity to fit in your education around your work schedule. The flexibility that online CNA classes provide will be a blessing if you are a busy parent who needs to juggle your family, work and classes.

Online Degree

You can often save money on your nursing assistant training by taking courses online. This is sometimes a more cost effective way to receive the non-clinical portion of your training. In some cases, you might even be able to find free online CNA class options.

It is easy to find online CNA classes by using the Internet. You can do a Google Search for "online CNA classes" in order to find a variety of different options. There are distance learning schools that offer training for you to become a nursing aide.

When you are looking into online nursing assistant courses, you need to find courses that prepare you for certification. The course must state that completion will make you eligible to sit for a certification exam. There are some distance learning program that teach prepare you for a career as a nursing aide but not a certified aide. It is important to know the difference.

If you are not sure if an online CNA training program will make you eligible to take the certification exam, you need to take the time to verify this information. You can contact the nursing aide registry in your state or even the Board of Nursing in your state to find accredited courses.

Keep in mind that you will need to complete a clinical portion of your training too before you can take the certification exam. Many online training programs will help you to set up your clinical experience at a local healthcare facility. If you are taking CNA Classes Online through a local college, it will be even easier to get setup with a hospital or continuing care community in your local area.

If you are having difficulty finding online nursing assistant training programs, there are some resources that can help. You can contact the board of nursing or nursing aide registry for referrals to reputable online programs. You can also contact local healthcare facilities to see if they would have any recommendations. Order a catalogue form community colleges in your area to determine if any offer nursing assistant training. If they do, you might find that some of the courses can be completed online.

Completing a portion of your nursing assistant training online can be a good idea for you. It can help you to fit in your education when you already have a busy schedule.

Free CNA Classes Online

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Will Going Back To School To Earn An Online Degree Help You Get A Better Job Or Promotion?

Adults going back to school may feel uncertainty about new challenges and requirements in their lives. They want to complete unfinished college degrees or to advance in their careers. Others are motivated by the need for increased financial worth. Some like the challenge of continual learning and intellectual growth to fulfill personal and work needs. Nontraditional students are adults returning to an online university for a higher education, do not fit into the young, living on campus, college student. Nontraditional students are adults over the age of 25, and have become the new trend in higher education at online universities.

Statistics from the U.S. Education Department's National Center for Education state that college admissions in colleges and universities are expected to climb from 18.2 million in 2007 to 20.6 million in 2018. The most significant growth will be among older students, minorities and women.

Online Degree

Significant changes in an adult's life especially in their career can prompt the need for continuing college education. A few reasons could be being passed over for job promotions because of lack of skills, job requirements have changed, discontent within their company's hierarchy and the possibility of announced layoffs or mergers.

Personal motivation and self improvement is a high motivator for adult learners. Learning about new topics, studies or special interest is a reason for going back to college. Learning new technological skills not only increases their job security but helps them in the home. Learning about social trends could improve their involvement in community activism and volunteer work. The completion of an online degree could revolve around their career and simply be a desire to finish what they started.

Some adult learners begin a new college degree at the retirement stages of their life. Their involvement in new college studies fulfills a need for community engagement and provides the opportunity to stimulate intellectual growth. Others are motivated by a need for change especially with career prospects. Adult students may have decided midlife to transition into new career paths that require additional knowledge and accreditation for them to begin their change.

Nontraditional students have numerous college opportunities especially with the increase in online colleges and online degrees. Add in the potential for financial aid, scholarships, and grants, especially to specific groups such as minorities and women, and going back to school does not have to be an unfulfilled dream.

Many adults, especially during economic downturns, are returning to online universities to complete previous college degrees or to increase their financial worth. The American Council on Education states that higher education colleges and online universities experience a surge in college admissions during these times. Employed and unemployed workers return to school to advance their skills and seek to increase their appeal to their company or potential employers. The increase of online colleges and online degrees are making higher education accessible to returning students especially for those who continue to work and support their families.

Returning to school gives the adult learner a chance to improve their career skills or change career directions. Many returning students do so because of changes in job structure, being passed over for advancement, job requirement changes and possible layoffs or mergers in their company's future. In general, the higher the education a person holds means the higher the salary and better career security.

The potential for salary increase varies with the type of college degree you want depending upon the needs of your career field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers with advanced degrees earn more than workers with a high school diploma or GED. The Bureau of Labor employment projections for 2008-2018 show that nearly half of all new jobs and one-third of total job openings will require a postsecondary college degree or award. Also projected is that 14 out of the 30 fastest growing occupations will require a bachelor's degree or higher.

College counselors through assessment services can provide valuable guidance when shopping for online universities and degrees. Be sure to find a personal counselor who can access multiple college searches within college programs such as transfer credits, cost comparisons, and accreditation.

Will Going Back To School To Earn An Online Degree Help You Get A Better Job Or Promotion?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

The Advantages Of Pursuing Psychology Degree Online

Nowadays, online education covers almost every subject in all types of career fields. That includes Psychology degree where you can pursue the degree online which offered by various accredited online universities. Pursuing the psychology degree online has many advantages that can benefit you especially if you are a working individual who are interested to pursue a psychology degree while maintaining your career and family commitment.

Psychology career is very demanding and competitive in the job market. You need to have knowledge and skills in this field if you want to achieve the highest success in psychology career. If you are already involve in healthcare sector, earning a degree in psychology will help to move your career to next level. By pursuing your degree online, you can continue build the practical skills through your working experience while completing the degree to enhance your knowledge & skills in psychology field.

Online Degree

If you are planning to make a career switch from existing career to psychology field, then you will greatly benefits from online degree program. You definitely do not want to simply quit your current job just to make a career switch before you are confirmed your own the degree. Online psychology degree provides you with the perfect solution where you can focus on your current career while preparing yourself with the required knowledge and education background for you to make a success career switch once you have completed the degree.

Flexibility in term of time and location of study is very important to be considered by working individuals who are planning to further their study so that they do not need to on hold their current career. Online psychology degrees allow you to arrange your classes to fit in with your work schedule. Moreover, you can avoid the need to commute to and from the school and follow the fixed time table to attend the classes. If your job requires you to travel, you have the flexibility to sign on to your courses from any location.

By pursuing the psychology degree online, you can select any degree program that meets your area of interest without the need to consider the geography factor. This means you can enroll into a psychology degree program offered by university abroad. As long as the university offers their psychology courses online and it accepts international students, then you can enroll into their online degree program and start attending courses online from your home country.

In order to benefit from the advantages of online psychology degree, you need to ensure that you are able to adapt to online learning style. Online learning requires you to have self motivation and self discipline to plan your study schedule and follow your plan until you complete the program. Beside that, a proper time management is important especially if you are taking the psychology degree while focusing your career at the same time.


Flexibility and convenient in term of time and location of study are the key advantages of pursue a psychology degree online. You can greatly benefit from these advantages by pursuing your psychology degree online and work your way to next career level.

The Advantages Of Pursuing Psychology Degree Online

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Criminal Justice Field - Much More Than Police Work With Online Degrees!

Criminal justice is a broad-reaching career field that focuses primarily on keeping the public safe. Becoming involved in the criminal justice system means you will be a part of the largest community dedicated to serving the public and protecting them. One of the easiest ways to become a part of these ranks is to earn an online degree in criminal justice.

The amount of higher education a student needs will vary greatly by their various career goals. Since this field involves every level of law enforcement, there are many applicable career paths to follow. Students can pursue certificates, bachelor's degrees or master's degrees can become anything from a corrections officer to an FBI agent.

Online Degree

An associate's degree is like an introduction to higher education, allowing students to complete two years worth of college. Students who follow a criminal justice program in an associate's degree obtain complete foundational work in core classes like mathematics, science and English. They can also start studying to work in law enforcement, corrections, and private security or as a paralegal.

One of the most popular jobs graduates pursue after earning their associate's is working as a crime scene technician. Crime scene technicians have been made popular on recent television shows; they help to solve puzzles at crime scenes using clues left behind, such as physical evidence. Crime scene technicians must remain objective about their work and need strong organizational and computer skills.

A bachelor's degree is a four-year degree that can be completed after an associate's degree and can usually be completed in four years. A bachelor's degree will allow students to receive even further and more in-depth training in any of the programs offered at an associate's level. Earning a bachelor's degree essentially opens more doors within the criminal justice career fields, like working as a social worker, a probation officer or a correctional treatment specialist. Most schools will allow you to transfer credits from one degree program into a higher degree program - like from an associate's degree to a bachelor's degree.

One of the final steps in the educational field for criminal justice is to earn a master's degree. After earning a bachelor's degree, a master's degree is another two years of study. However, it will become the portal to even more jobs and opportunities that may not have existed before. Students who are seriously considering a career as an FBI agent, police chief, or even a college instructor will find the completion of a master's degree satisfying and worthwhile.

Students who graduate with any higher-level degree in criminal justice need not worry about employment. Although the criminal justice salary for graduates will vary according to field of work, there are plenty of jobs available within the industry for graduates. Jobs aren't scarce either - the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects to see an 11 percent increase in employment for a number of police and sheriff's jobs, as well as a 16 percent increase in correctional officers' employment.

Criminal Justice Field - Much More Than Police Work With Online Degrees!

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Five Affordable High Paying Online Engineering Degree Programs

Engineering students can expect to work in one of the highest paying careers for a new graduate. An affordable online engineering degree program is a way to start cashing in on the higher salary faster than if the degree was obtained through a more expensive traditional campus based university. Of the 17 engineering specialties, the five engineering degree programs that are expected to have a good outlook for employment in the future are chemical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering and industrial engineering.

Job growth for environmental engineers is expected to increase by 25% over the next decade according to the US Bureau of Labor. Increasing environmental regulations and proactive concern for the environment are influencing the expected growth in this field. The pay range for this specialty ranges from a low of ,000 to a high of 6,000 with a median salary of ,000. Schools such as Worcester Polytechnic Institute offer online masters of engineering programs in this field.

Online Degree

Industrial engineering positions are expected to increase by 20% over the next decade. Industrial engineers study the most effective way to affect production through the use of resources; people, material, and processes. Salaries range from a low of ,000 to a high of 0,00, with the median being ,000. Penn Foster College is an online college that offers this degree.

Civil engineering is another specialty that is expected to grow faster than average at a growth of 18% over the next decade. Civil engineers are needed to keep up with the demand of an increasing population in developing infrastructure. The salary range is a low of ,000 to a high of 4,00, with the median being ,000. Penn Foster College and Norwich University offer online civil engineering programs.

Chemical engineering positions are expected to grow at an average rate of 8%. Pharmaceutical companies are the most likely to need engineers. Also companies involved in biotechnology and nanotechnology. The salary range is a low of .000 to a high of 8,000 with the median being ,000.

Job growth for mechanical engineers is expected to increase only 4%, but mechanical engineers will be able to enter other specialty areas because of their more broad background. Areas of nanotechnology, materials science, and biotechnology are areas where mechanical engineers can fill the bill. The salary range is a low of ,000 to a high of 4,000 with the median being ,000. The University of Delaware offers an online masters program in mechanical engineering.

The overall outlook for engineers of any specialty is good with an expected growth of 11%. Currently there are 1.5 million engineers working in a wide variety of specialties. Civil, mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineers hold the four top positions number of engineers employed.

Many schools such as Ashford, Drexel, University of Toledo, Polytechnic, Eastern Kentucky, Norwich, University of Delaware and Penn Foster College offer online engineering programs.

An online college and university website can provide information about the various programs, colleges and universities, costs, and financial aid. Advisors are available to answer questions, and you can send for information to read at your leisure.

Five Affordable High Paying Online Engineering Degree Programs

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Ways to Cut Online Degree Tuition Costs

College tuition costs go up every year, usually averaging a 5% increase. Some private online schools raise tuition twice a year. Then, there are the expensive books, averaging 0 each. An online student, starting at a private, accredited online college, can pay 000 - 000 for an undergraduate degree. There are several ways to cut these costs. Here are a few school options to consider:

o Using the Community College for some courses is the best way to save money off a degree plan. Why spend 00/class for English, Algebra, Humanities or Psychology at the private, online school when community college classes run between 0 - 0/each. There are more fees at community college, but students still see big savings. Want an online class? Most community college offer online classes and some schools such as Foothill College Online and Rio Salado College offer entire Associate degrees.

Online Degree

o Military classes can gain college credit and cut costs. Send your SMART Report, AARTS report or DD 214 to your college advisor and push for the credits listed on the military report. The classes might come in as electives, but this still waives some classes and saves tuition dollars.

o Life/Work Experience Credits can be in 2 forms-direct credit and indirect credit. Some online schools have evaluated companies' training classes and have listed the credits given for those courses. Or, credits can be earned by writing and documenting the experience from your life or your work (known as Assessment of Prior Learning or Portfolio).

o Certificates, Licenses and Training Programs may be given recommended college credits by the American Council on Education (ACE). From the main ACE website, click on "Programs and Services". Search the National Guide to find your corporate classes, certificates, licenses or training program and see if ACE recommends college credit for these. Most online schools will allow ACE recommended credits. (Military courses can also be found on this website by clicking on Military Guide Online).

There are so many ways to cut tuition costs. Don't look for tuition help at the online school, however. The college wants your "warm, tuition-paying body" in their degree plan, taking all classes at their school. The school may advertise "life and work experience credits" but after you are enrolled, the adviser may not tell you about these options and you may have to fight for them.

Just taking 5 General Education classes (English, Math, History, etc.) at a community college, plus gaining 15 credits through ACE recommended credits, or military or Assessment of Prior Learning can cut your total tuition 000 or more.

Ways to Cut Online Degree Tuition Costs

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

University of Phoenix Online - Best Option To Pursue Your Degree Online

University of Phoenix Online (UOP) is one of the largest online universities that offer various online degree programs that cover almost all career fields. Through out the years of service, UOP has gained very good reputation for educational teaching and excellent student service. What makes University of Phoenix Online so special? How you will benefits from the online learning features offered by UOP?

UOP is an accredited online university that offers mostly 100% online degree programs dedicated specially for working adults regardless of where they live. The Higher Learning Commission, a member of North Central Association is the accrediting agency which performs the accreditation upon University of Phoenix Online. If you are interested to pursue your degree online, accreditation information is important to you because it is a measure of the quality on its degree programs which determines the acceptance of the degrees in the job market.

Online Degree

Phoenix University online specialize in offering relevant degrees with basic bachelor degree to Masters and PHDs that covers almost all job fields in business, management, technology management, computer information system, education, law and nursing. If you are planning to get a degree or further you study in order to in depth your knowledge related to your career for job promotion or career advancement, you should find your degree of choice from the degree programs offered by Phoenix University online.

This university is one of US-based online universities that accept international students. If you leave out of US and interested to pursue your degree online from one of the famous universities at United States, UOP may be your good option. As most of online degree programs can be completed 100% online, there is no geography limitation. Students from all around the world can pursue their degree online through UOP online degree program from their home country. They just need to have internet connection to login into UOP online learning system to attend online classes, download online learning material and ask questions or get assistance from their online instructors.

As most online degree programs offered by University Phoenix online allows you to plan your own study time that best fit your working schedule, you may choose to complete your degree in a long period of time if you have a very busy working schedule, else if you need a degree urgently for a job promotion or career advancement in the near future, you can plan to complete your degree as fast as possible. In general, average online students of UOP complete their degree courses in just two or three years.

For students who are stretching their budgets, there are various financial assistances in term of scholarship, grant and student loan available for them. In additional, there are a few flexible fee payment plans offered to students to reduce their finance burden while pursue their degree with UOP. You can easily get the financial aids information from the university's website.


University of Phoenix Online has been one of the best accredited online universities which offering online degrees that cover most career fields, it make easy for you to find yours to meet your career goal. The flexible and convenient online learning environment with flexi payment and financial aids, it become your best option to pursue your degree online.

University of Phoenix Online - Best Option To Pursue Your Degree Online

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Get A Degree In Nutrition And Help Society Establish Healthy Habits!

In recent years, the field of study of nutrition has grown in popularity partially due to advanced research in the importance of preventive care through regulating our daily diets. Also, with many new discoveries of what different foods do in relation to improving the immune system, detoxification, revitalizing the body and reducing risks of diseases, we have come to recognize how essential everything is that we put into our bodies.

Due to this increasing interest, choosing to obtain a degree in nutrition is a good career choice to make, and since it is now possible to earn an online degree in this area, it should be explored, especially if you find this an interesting subject, and you are always reading the labels of what you buy at the grocery store to find out the nutritional value of what you are consuming.

Online Degree

Many of us did not really become interested in this area until we became parents and are now responsible for the health of our children. Not to worry; it is never too late to change careers or begin a career that you know you will enjoy!

It is possible to enter this field with an Associate's degree which is known as a Dietetic Technician (DT) degree; however, if you enter into a program through an online school that has its accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetic Education (CADE), you can become a dietetic technician who is a registered (DTR). Most all academic advisers will tell you that you should always enroll into a program that is accredited so that your credits can be transferred later if you would like to continue on to your Bachelor's degree; plus, this is also a requirement for any state exam. In addition, when you are researching the various programs being offered online, be sure to find out if a practical experience internship is part of the curriculum. Some have them and some don't, so always ask the appropriate questions.

If you have decided to start your career by earning your Bachelor's degree online, you will be making a great choice for your future. Yes, four years seems to be a very long time' however, there are ways to finish in less time. Again, ask your adviser if it is possible for you to get credit for some or all of the fundamental courses required during the first two years by taking CLEP exams (College Life Experience Program). Also, if you continue attending class all year long without breaks, this will shorten your time too!

Some of the classes that you will be required to take and will find very interesting are nutrition science, infectious diseases, nutrition therapy and research. Of course, along with these, you will be taught anatomy, biology and psychology which are essential to understand the correlation between what we eat and how we feel.

Once you have graduated, you will be able to work in a number of settings such as hospitals, schools, home health agencies and public clinics, just to mention a few. You will be responsible for promoting health and well being through healthy eating, plus diet modification when a disease process is present.

Get A Degree In Nutrition And Help Society Establish Healthy Habits!

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fast Bachelor's Degree - What is the Fastest Way to Get a Degree?

In the world in which we live, having a good education can make all the difference when it comes to job opportunities. With a college degree being such an essential, even those of the older generation are returning to school to better their education. So often the question has become not, Where can I get a degree? But, What is the fastest way to get a degree. It is entirely possible to get a degree in a shorter period of time; however, it involves a lot of discipline and careful planning.

Often college students begin a degree without being completely sure about what they want to do. Many end up switching their major multiple times before finally committing to something and finishing it. This can only slow down the process of finishing your degree, so if you are serious about finishing early, start by nailing down a plan, and stick with it!

Online Degree

Those who are not sure what they should be doing should start by taking as many general education classes as possible. These will be accepted for any degree and will help you get started without fully determining what major you would like to complete.

Also do your research on various colleges before you choose where you want to get your degree. One college may offer a business major in four years while another will require six years of study for the same thing. Make sure you know what you are getting into before you enroll.

You will also need to stay on top of your courses and requirements each semester. Know what you need to stay on top and make sure you are getting at least that many credits each semester. Add more if it is doable for you.

Keep in mind that no one will be as concerned for your education as yourself, and college faculty have been known to make mistakes in students scheduling so as to put them behind schedule. You get a list of what is required for your degree and mark off the classes as they are completed.

Know what options you have to get yourself ahead. Many college offer optional online, summer, night, or interim classes that you can take advantage of to help you graduate earlier than normal. If you take a few each year then you should easily be able to shave off at least one year of the allotted time until you graduate.

One of the best alternatives available to get a degree fast is to do your degree through one of the many recognised and accredited online schools. Some online colleges offer accelerated online degree programs that are designed specifically to speed up your learning enabling you to earn your degree faster. With an accelerated online program, when taken in conjunction with some additional steps i will explain later, it is possible to get a degree in less than two years.

The most important part of this process is staying organized and on top of your advancement as you go. Keep good records, study hard, know what classes you need to complete your degree, and work as hard as you can to fit in extra classes here or there. Of course the sooner you enrol and get started, the sooner you will have your degree.

Fast Bachelor's Degree - What is the Fastest Way to Get a Degree?

Medical Biller

Sunday, November 13, 2011

An Online Master Degree in Spanish Offers Double the Opportunity For Bilingual Graduates

Schools online are more and more often offering the ability for students to actually major in Spanish during their college career. It doesn't matter whether or not students want to learn a new language from scratch or perhaps explore their heredity, online degrees in Spanish at either an undergraduate or a graduate level provides students with a rich and comprehensive learning experience that will positively affect their entire future.

Spanish is one of the most popular options for students to major in. In fact, it's the second most-common language in the United States after English. There are more Spanish speakers in the U.S. than there are speakers of Chinese, French, Hawaiian and all the Native-American languages combined - the Spanish speaking population in the U.S. is the world's second-largest, dwarfed only by Mexico.

Online Degree

The size of the Spanish speaking population in the United States certainly opens up job opportunities for bilingual graduates. However, technological growth across the world has opened up the world's borders, especially with the advent of the Internet. International job opportunities and learning experiences are becoming considered "the norm" instead of unique.

Bilingual graduates have job opportunities in a multitude of career fields offered in both the public and the private sector. Public sector employers are typically always looking to recruit trained linguists. Graduates have the opportunity to work in government, customs or immigration agencies; they may even be able to find work in the intelligence communities of the U.S.

Graduates with an online degree in Spanish also have the opportunity to work in the private sector. Although many of the jobs in the private industry do not involve the same types of work as the public sector, graduates will be sure to work in incredibly unique positions. Private industry employers need linguists to work as translators, in customer service, and even healthcare.

Working as a translator is one of the most popular jobs for students who have graduated with their online degree in Spanish. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 26 percent of interpreters and translators are self-employed. To clarify, interpreters deal with spoken words while translators work with written words. Some graduates may be more suited for one profession than the other.

Whether students are learning Spanish at an undergraduate or a graduate level, learning a language remains a highly participatory experience. To fully master Spanish, students will focus their learning on four techniques: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Fully immersing themselves in all aspects of the language will help them attain full mastery of the language.

An Online Master Degree in Spanish Offers Double the Opportunity For Bilingual Graduates

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What is the Cost of a University of Phoenix Online Degree?

Wondering how much a University of Phoenix online degree would cost? Are you interested to earn a degree from that online educational institution? The following is a general idea of the overhead cost of earning a degree while enrolled at the University of Phoenix.

1. Application fee. A one time application fee of 0 will need to be shelled out for your application to be processed. Prerequisites should be submitted together with this application prior to consideration.

Online Degree

2. Tuition fee. As with other universities, at University of Phoenix, students get charged per credit hour. Each degree level incur different per hour credit rates.

Undergraduates get charged 0/credit hour, while graduate level and doctorates are charged 0 and 5/credit hour. For example, a University of Phoenix online undergraduate pays an average of ,750 in tuition fees. You have to keep in mind that these are basic charges, hence, you need to confirm with the admissions department the actual breakdown of charges so as not be surprised by hidden costs when you're almost done with your course.

3. Financial aid. For those with rigid budgets, the University of Phoenix offers low-cost financing as well as financial aid services. Online help are available to assist you in applying for eligibility for this program. Schedule of payment have been made to help them fit the students budget. Some sources claim that about half of the student population avail of financial aid or grant one way or the other.

4. Duration of courses. Courses can be completed in as short as two years and as long as five years, depending on the pace that you decide to take. In cases where students credits form a different school or program are considered for transfer, the duration of the program may be further shortened.

5. Faculty roster. Mentors in this university, unlike in others are well known professional in their field of specialty. An instructor should be a holder of at least a masters degree for them to considered for a teaching position at the University of Phoenix.

Want to know more about how to earn a degree through online degree programs and be on your way to a brighter future?

What is the Cost of a University of Phoenix Online Degree?

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

What Is an LPN to RN Bridge Online Degree Program

An LPN to RN bridge online degree program is meant as an articulation course for licensed practical nurses (LPN) to become registered nurses (RN). By availing this program LPNs can obtain advance credits for their RN programs. The LPN to RN bridge online degree program enhances the skills that LPNs have acquired and readies the students for their role as an RN. An aspirant to the LPN to RN should have an LPN registration or he should be eligible for an LPN registration in the US. At the end of the LPN to RN course, you qualify for the NCLEX examination that is compulsory for becoming a licensed registered nurse.

This is a three-credit course and at the end of the course the LPNs earn around 15 credits for their RN degrees. These advance credits mean that an LPN has to spend less time and effort in acquiring an RN degree. This program helps working LPNs to move up the career ladder and become RNs. It is an excellent career option for those who wish to take advantage of the burgeoning demand for nurses in the United States. You can move into leadership roles and the experience will stand you in good stead when you decide to do an MSN.

Online Degree

While choosing an online LPN to RN check the number of students from that course who actually go on to acquire an RN degree, try and gauge the satisfaction levels of those who are taking the course and those who have finished it. There are many online forums where you can do this. Choose an LPN to RN program that offers you the freedom to manage your work, family, and studies. Look for programs that offer you the course on reduced fees or if you qualify for a fee reimbursement. A program that allows you to secure a place for clinical learning at your workplace will help you save on commuting time. Compare accredited schools and look for one that offers you the most credits.

What Is an LPN to RN Bridge Online Degree Program

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quickest Online Degrees - What Are the Quickest Online Bachelor Degrees?

Looking to get your bachelors degree in the quickest time possible? The way to do it is to complete your education through one of the many online bachelor degree programs available. Through these programs it is possible to earn your bachelors degree in two years or less so long as you are willing to put in the work required and meet all the subject requirements along the way.

Many people are looking to find the quickest online bachelor degree so that they can complete their education and enter the workforce as quickly as possible. The sooner you complete your degree the sooner you can start working in your chosen career, accomplishing your career goals and ultimately fulfilling your dreams.

Online Degree

There are many online bachelor degree programs that offer an accelerated learning option, which will enable you to get your degree in the quickest time possible. Accelerated leaning classes are designed so that the information is provided in a condensed form enabling the students to learn quickly. The quickest online bachelor degree programs are also delivered so that you can study when it suits you and can move through the education at your own pace, so if you work harder, and put in more hours you can complete the online course in a reduced amount of time. This is a major advantage of doing your degree online. You can take as many subjects as you are confident in being able to complete successfully. Meaning if you can handle double the workload, you can earn your degree in half the normal time. It really is up to you and the work you are willing to put in.

To find the quickest online bachelor degree is not difficult. You can find information online at educational institutions webpage and once you have an idea what type of degree you want to obtain you can contact the institution via email for more information on their accelerated learning classes and how it works within their course structure. You should receive a prompt response that will give you the information you require to make the right decision. 

It is important to ensure that the online program you are enrolling is accredited and recognized within industry authorities and both the private and public employment sector relating to that course. Try to get an understanding of the reputation of that particular educational institution. You need to ensure that the accelerated learning system still provides a high quality education that will both serve you well as the foundation of your career and is respected by others.

Once you have established the right accelerated online bachelor degree program you will be wanting to enroll and get started as soon as possible. Online enrollment processes are generally quick and easy and after enrollment the classes commence immediately. This is great as it enables you to get started right away, and the sooner you start, the sooner you will obtain your bachelors degree providing you with the qualifications and knowledge to start working in your chosen career. 

Quickest Online Degrees - What Are the Quickest Online Bachelor Degrees?

Home Equity

Monday, October 24, 2011

Getting a Harvard University Online Degree

Who doesn't know the educational institution named Harvard University? All over the world, many people have dreamed of setting foot into this well renowned school; much more have the privilege or opportunity of entering it as a student whether as an undergrad or for post graduate studies. Because of its popularity, prestige and standards, only a limited few get to actually be there at the Harvard campus to enroll. The Harvard University online degree program addresses this problem for the international community as well as for those in the U.S.

Imagine having to have a degree with the flexibility of an online degree program and prestige of getting it from a school called Harvard University. That's exactly what the Harvard University online degree program offers.

Online Degree

Through a selection of courses apt for today's changing times, the Harvard University online degree program provides an opportunity for those who don't have enough resources to be there at the campus all the time to learn. One can work to earn an actual degree or to get a certificate for the courses completed. Students who would like to further their English studies can also benefit from this system.

More on the Harvard University Online Degree Program

A lot of prospective students find interesting courses in the Harvard University online degree program. The courses range from management, technology, anthropology to astronomy. With its given flexibility a student can work on an entire degree through the Harvard University online degree program. One can get

an Associate, Bachelors or even a Masters degree.

Not all courses, though, are done online.

Some courses require that students spend time at the campus like taking exams for example. But most of the work can be done from a distance. In fact, there are courses that can earn you a certificate purely online. But again, if it's the degree that you're after, you would need to spend time in the Harvard campus once in a while.

With the Harvard University online degree program, it's possible that the students never meet their professors in person. It's through the email system or some special software that the professors and students interact. Prospective students would need a computer system and good Internet connection to succeed with this endeavor.

Lectures can be seen as a streaming video and some sample lectures can be viewed online. Others are available to students even before they sign up.

Getting a Harvard University Online Degree

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Earn LPN Degree Online - How to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse

Having a good paying job is every person's dream but unfortunately we wake up in the morning and follow the same routine that brings in the same lousy pay check.

The entire economy faces the same problems in all of its sectors except for one: the health care field. Here, the number of jobs exceeds the number of workers. The number of medical professionals is increasing day after day proportionally to the demand for their services. The same thing happens to the nurses. A LPN degree online helped a lot of people finding good jobs as nurses in many hospitals.

Online Degree

It's a perfect way to put a spin into your career. Being a nurse implies a certain number of benefits. You can gain satisfaction from your work because you can help people with problems and you can quite a good salary. A LPN degree online is a great alternative that you should take into consideration.

There are various LPN degree programs available and you should pay attention when you're choosing the right one for you. If you want to be successful at work, you have to choose a high quality training program to attend. The level of support is different from one program to another and that's why you should be very careful which program to chose.

Another important criteria is the perception of the employers about some programs. There are many online degree programs that hand out diplomas to almost anyone attending their courses with no questions asked. That's not good at all and many employers see this with suspicion and no one can blame them.

When you search the right online nursing program, it's recommended that you avoid these because on the long run they won't help you a bit but on the contrary, they will only ruin your career.

A nurse is not allowed to make any mistakes since it is dealing with human life and that's why attending a trustworthy and authorized LPN degree is very important for your future.

Earn LPN Degree Online - How to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pros And Cons Of Getting An Elementary Education Teaching Degree Online

There is an extreme shortage of qualified elementary education teachers. If you have been thinking about earning your degree or continuing your education in this field, you may want to consider getting your elementary education online. While there are pros and cons to this form of learning, most find that the benefits usually far outweigh the disadvantages.

Pros of Getting an Elementary Education Online

Online Degree

If you want to become an elementary teacher, you will need a degree. If you are already an elementary teacher, you will want to continue your education throughout your career. Doing either in an online format can be very beneficial.

Convenient - Not only can you choose from programs across the nation without relocating, you can also schedule classes at your convenience. This means you can keep your current job and still get the education you need to enrich your career.

Variety of Programs and Schools to Choose From -

Finding a program or course that fits your needs should also be relatively easy. Colleges, universities, and career schools around the nation have developed a wide range of programs for both current and aspiring elementary teachers.

Cons of Getting an Elementary Education Online -

Less Personal Interaction in a Classroom Setting -

Although most people find that getting an elementary education online is preferable to other options, this form of learning isn't the best choice for everyone. There is sometimes only moderate interaction between students and professors in an online class. For individuals who like to network, a traditional classroom could provide more opportunities.

Constant Need for High Speed Internet Access -

There are sometimes other issues as well. Online elementary education programs typically require consistent access to high speed Internet, the right software, and multimedia connections. Some students also have problem transferring credits if they are enrolled in a program that isn't accredited, however, these situations can typically be avoided with careful research prior to enrollment.

Pros And Cons Of Getting An Elementary Education Teaching Degree Online

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Earn Bachelor Degree Online - How to Earn Bachelor Degree Online

Are you struggling to go back to college because you have so much going on that you cannot possibly imagine fitting anything else into your schedule? This is the story for most adults, especially if you are married, have children, or already work a full time job to support yourself. There is a way to earn bachelor degree online that really is fit for those with hectic schedules. Here is how it works.

There are some colleges, like Baker College, that are completely based as an online college. Sure they might have campuses that you can attend, but they also have degree programs that you can do completely online. Most of the time you can even finish your degree faster than at a traditional university while sitting in a classroom.

Online Degree

Most of the classes will range from 6 to 12 weeks long and you will not have any breaks other than around Christmas time. This is good, though, because if you get yourself a laptop computer you can take your homework with you on vacation or anywhere you go. Plus you will know all your projects, tests, and homework assignments and their due dates the first day of class.

There will be no surprises and this will allow you to earn bachelor degree online with ease. You can work ahead or you can work at the pace of the class. All you have to do is make sure you get your work done and turn it in on time or early and you will be fine. You can do your work in the morning, afternoon, or evening. It is all up to your own preference and the flexibility will allow you to accomplish your goals.

Earn Bachelor Degree Online - How to Earn Bachelor Degree Online

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Schools Offering Accredited Online Nutrition Degree Programs

All around the country there are many schools offering online nutrition degree programs. You can easily enroll yourself in any concentration of your choice and fulfilling in this way your dream of becoming a nutritionist, dietitian or food examiner.

Before you choose any college or university to get online nutrition degree programs two points should be kept in mind:

Online Degree

Degree Level

Students are to be certain of which level of education they want to pursue and check if the school they prefer are offering that particular degree, for instance a person interested to become a personal trainer will not go for a masters online nutrition degree program but will opt for a certificate in fitness and training.

Program Type

Individuals have to see how flexible are the programs they have chosen and have to keep in account the cost and time required to complete them according to their schedule.

The names of the certified schools offering nutrition degree programs have been given below:

Penn Foster Career School

Penn Foster Career School is the worldwide leader in providing online education. More than 13000,000 students have enrolled in various training programs of this school since its establishment in 1890. Penn Foster Career School is accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council and provides the following online nutrition degree programs:
Fitness and Nutrition - Certificate Sports Nutrition - Certificate

Kaplan University

Kaplan University offers students both online and on-campus education. The university has ten academic schools and has over 10 campuses in the US and is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission. You can pursue the following degree programs from this institute:

Bachelors of Science in Nutrition Advanced Start BS in Nutrition

Ashworth College

Ashworth College offers you comprehensive and affordable online nutrition degree programs. The college has a dedicated and experienced faculty which provides a solid educational base for all.

Career Diploma in Fitness and Exercise Training Career Diploma in Nutrition, Diet & Health Sciences

Schools Offering Accredited Online Nutrition Degree Programs

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Science Degree Programs That Lead To Careers Involving The Ocean

A science degree can take some graduates to places they might not have dreamed possible. One of the places that science graduates might work is leagues beneath the sea.

With science degrees in marine biology, for example, students might study plants and animals in the ocean. Marine biologists, in studying living organisms and their relationship to the environment, might carry out their research simply to expand upon human knowledge or to solve a problem.

Online Degree

Gaining a science degree in marine biology might mean working in the area of medicines and other products that come from marine organisms. This specific area known as marine biotechnology is a growing field. The ocean provides us with vast resources which we can use to treat certain ailments

Marine biologists, once they obtain their science degrees, might expect to work on research vessels as well as in laboratories. Many are certified scuba divers. Some of them also work outdoors, often on research vessels from which they study fish, plankton, or other marine organisms. They might come to understand how some consider the world's coral reefs underwater rain-forests for the medicinal properties that they hold or test how algae might be used for use as alternative energy. Obtaining a science degree in marine biology might mean working for a private organization or for the government or higher education.

There are careers outside of marine biology that students with science degrees might enter. Though some refer to marine biologists as oceanographers, these careers include oceanography, which involves studying the ocean from its bottom to its motion. The role of oceanographers is becoming especially important as people worldwide look for alternative energy sources, supplemental drinking water supplies, and an abundance of food.

Working in the water doesn't necessarily mean that science degree recipients are marine biologists who work in salt water, either: They might be aquatic biologists who study plants, animals, and micro-organisms in the water, or limnologists who study organisms in fresh water. Geoscientists and hydrologists, on the other hand, study the earth's past and present - composition, structure, and other physical aspects of the it by using sophisticated instruments to analyze the composition of earth, rock, and water. Many geoscientists and hydrologists help to search for natural resources such as groundwater, minerals, metals, and petroleum. Others work closely with environmental and other scientists to preserve and clean up the environment.

There are also opportunities for students with interests in the marine environment to study toward becoming ocean engineers or underwater filmmakers. Ocean engineers design the equipment, structures, vehicles, and more that are used to study the ocean and its inhabitants. These designs might even include the equipment that underwater filmmakers use to capture life beneath the sea for major motion pictures, educational offerings, and television channels.

Science Degree Programs That Lead To Careers Involving The Ocean

Digital Lasset

Monday, October 17, 2011

Launch Your Legal Career With an Accredited Online Law Degree

Interested in earning an online law degree?

Fortunately since the study of law has become increasingly popular over the years, as well as the need for competent and dependable lawyers, on line law degree programs are being offered by a growing number of colleges and universities across the country.

Online Degree

An online law degree is basically the same as an on-campus degree program, except that most course readings and materials are found online. This also includes pre-recorded lectures, articles of interest, class discussions by means of bulletin boards or live chat sessions, and even exams are completed online.

Students access their online law degree program through a portal that is usually found through the school's main website. This portal can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, giving the student access to their work anytime they can fit it into their schedule. While the convenience of on line law degree programs can be a huge asset to online learning, students still need to have the self-discipline and motivation to commit a few hours a week to their studies, and there are still class assignment and exam deadlines.

Other things to consider when finding an on line law degree program include accreditation (since non-accredited, or non-legitimately accredited schools will not be accepted when a student goes to try and pass the state bar exam), length of degree program, and technical requirements to access the schoolwork.

While most recent and new computers offer the necessary plug-ins and other browser requirements to access the online courses, some of the older models may require additional downloads in order to function properly for online learning. For more information regarding technical requirements, most schools have 24/7 technical support, or students can also access the technical requirements on the school's website before even registering for classes.

As long as the student has the discipline and self-motivation to enroll in online learning, an online law degree can help open doors for the student in the field of law and be the next step to becoming a lawyer.

Launch Your Legal Career With an Accredited Online Law Degree

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Open Universities Australia - The Pros and Cons of Completing an Online Degree With OUA

Open Universities Australia (OUA) has become an increasingly popular option for students wishing to complete their degree off-campus.  There are many advantages of studying with OUA, however just like other universities, there are some things that should be considered before enrolling.  Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of completing your degree with OUA.


Online Degree

 - It is easy to enroll. 

You can enroll quickly and easily over the phone or online.  Just select your units, and enroll.  If you are paying by FEE-HELP, you can arrange this online too.

 - Fewer entry requirements.

For many of the degrees, OUA offers an easier entry pathway than other universities.  While some programs do require a formal application, other degrees such as the Bachelor of Arts do not have any entry restrictions.  This is great for people who have not studied in a while, or who did not finish their formal education.

 - Flexibility. 

If you begin your degree and then decide to take 6 months off, you can.  If you want to study over the Christmas holidays, you can.  OUA offers the chance to begin a degree part way through the year, without having to apply, wait to receive an offer, and then wait until the following year to begin studying.

 - Your degree is awarded through a recognised university. 

A lot of students worry that their certificate will have the OUA logo on it, or that their degree will not be a 'proper' degree. OUA students graduate through a recognised university and get the same certificate as on-campus, directly enrolled students.

 - You can fast-track your degree. 

For many of the programs offered by OUA, the study periods run back-to-back, all year round.  This means that you can study without taking a break and finish your degree faster.  For example, if you choose to study three subjects per study period without taking a break, you could potentially finish your degree in two years instead of three, or if you study four units per semester, you could finish a three-year degree in 18 months.


 - The cost. 

While many of the units are competitively priced, some units (such as the science units) are much more expensive than those available to students who secure a Commonwealth-Supported Place, directly through a university.  It is a good idea to work out a rough estimate as to how much your degree will cost altogether and then decide whether it is cheaper to apply for a Commonwealth-Supported Place instead.  Another cost that needs to be considered is the cost of an exam invigilator.  If you know someone who is suitably qualified, then they may be happy to do it for free, however professional exam supervision services can be quite expensive.

 - Lack of course information. 

OUA are reportedly trying to improve the quality and quantity of unit information available, but at the moment many of the unit descriptions, assessment details and book lists are quite brief.  It is a good idea to contact the OUA representative at the provider university if you would like more information regarding a particular unit, they are usually quite helpful.

 - Inconsistency. 

Unless you are completing all of your units through the same provider university, this may be an issue.  Each university has a different set-up, with some providing all of the course content online, whereas others send out a hard copy of all course materials, and there is no online interaction at all.  Inconsistency amongst tutors and course coordinators can also be a problem, with some tutors offering online tutorials once a week and replying to queries within 24 hours, and others offering minimal assistance and feedback.

 - Difficulties in planning ahead. 

OUA is constantly evolving, which is reflected in the changing availability of units and courses.  Unit availability for the following year is not known until around November, and if you have not registered your degree, course structure changes can occur, which may disrupt study plans.  Register early to ensure that you can complete the degree that you have started!

Overall, OUA offers a great way to complete a degree, particularly if you require flexibility, would like to fast-track, or just want to try a few units for personal interest.  Like all distance education providers, however, it is important to think about whether this type of study is the best choice for your lifestyle and goals.

Open Universities Australia - The Pros and Cons of Completing an Online Degree With OUA

Nursing Schools

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to Find the Best Accredited Online Doctorate Degree

The Doctoral student will take advanced courses in their chosen field of study in small seminars or through independent studies. The coursework usually entails three to four semesters of rigorous full-time study. Once the coursework has been completed, the Doctoral candidate is required to pass a written and/or oral Doctoral qualifying exam in order to prove that they have the necessary background to proceed with the independent research phase of the program.

Normally, admission into any Doctorate Degree program requires that the student has earned their Masters Degree. There are certain graduate programs that will allow coursework on a Doctorate Degree to commence immediately after earning a Bachelors Degree.

Online Degree

Accredited online Doctorate Degree is an academic degree that indicates the completion of the highest level of academic achievement possible. In order to receive an accredited online Doctorate Degree, the graduate student must first complete a course of prescribed classes, perform original research, and compose a publishable dissertation or thesis.

Accredited online doctorate programs enable students to gain the highest levels of proficiency possible in their subject, while preparing them to push the limits in their specialty, if they so desire.

By pursuing accredited online doctorate programs, students can:

1. Save time and energy commuting to campus.
2. Pursue the degree at their convenience.
3. Complete doctoral study in less than the traditional three years.
4. Maintain their present job and income.

Accredited online doctorate Programs are designed to give students a chance to explore a subject fully to gain the greatest levels of proficiency in that area.

Accredited online doctorate Program gives students the valuable opportunity to pursue postgraduate studies while maintaining their current positions and income. Research doctorate degrees are pursued by students who seek to become experts in their particular field and are the most commonly earned doctorate degree. Professional doctorate degrees, such as J.D. and M.D., are required to perform in certain specialized fields such as medicine, dentistry, law, psychology and chiropractics.

There are two basic types of accredited online doctorate degree programs students may pursue - professional or research. There are also honorary doctorates, which are not necessarily academic and can be awarded for notable contributions to a particular field. Online doctoral programs give students the opportunity to earn professional or research degrees.

How to Find the Best Accredited Online Doctorate Degree

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Quickest Degree - What is the Quickest Bachelors Degree to Obtain?

Today many people are looking to get a quick online degree, and they have many different reasons to do so. Perhaps they want to be paid more, get promoted, or simply start a new career. Either way, the fastest way to move forward with a quick degree is to begin an accelerated online program with a recognized and established online school or college which will provide you with the opportunity to complete a full Bachelors Degree as quickly as possible.

Regardless of whether you've started a program in the past or you need to begin a program entirely fresh, you'll be able to take advantage of some of the benefits of a quick online degree. With accelerated class programs you will be able to take care of your degree in next to no time at all, moving forward with the rest of your life and career.

Online Degree

Accelerated programs allow you to take many classes at once, and to bunch them together so you keep moving ahead at all times. You can accelerate your program by doing so by as much as double, in other words finishing a degree in just two years, or half the time a traditional program of study offers.

It's important to realize though that a quick degree from an online program isn't a perfect solution for everyone. Sure, you could be done in two years but it will be a challenge, because you won't have long summer or winter breaks, and you'll be busy with your schoolwork all year long with many classes.

Another concern that many adults have is simply fitting in all of their classes and coursework into their lives. They have families, jobs and a whole array of other responsibilities to worry about already.

But that's actually one of the great benefits to an online degree program. They fit into your life far easier and more readily than what you'd find traditionally, taking advantage of the great power and convenience of the Internet and technology.

You can forget about having to relocate near a college campus, or about having to drive back and forth to class everyday. You can also forget about having to learn on somebody else's schedule. You can study right from your home without hassle, and you can study at any time of the week and any time of each day or night. It's all about making it work for you with a quick online degree.

This is much better experience than an adult trying to attend a traditional on-campus degree program. You will be able to take all of your classes, learn everything you can handle and fit it all into an accelerated pace that takes half the time. Best of all, any person can get going and start moving ahead with their new life and career if they are motivated to do so.

The bottom line is that a quick online degree is your fastest, most convenient, and ultimately your best option for getting that Bachelors degree and a new, higher paying career, and a more satisfying life. If you get started, in two years you can have your degree, and that is something that would benefit anyone. but remember the sooner you start, the sooner you will have that degree and moving on with the rest of your life.

Quickest Degree - What is the Quickest Bachelors Degree to Obtain?

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Nursing Degree Programs Online - Affordable and Flexible

Affordable NLN accredited nursing degree programs online are one way of addressing the nursing shortage. Many nursing institutions (homecare agencies, hospitals, clinics) are now focusing more on ways to impact the nursing shortage and the shortage of bachelors and masters prepared nurses. By increasing tuition reimbursement many institutes are helping diploma or associate degree prepared nurses can take advantage of distance learning or online nursing BSN and MSN and PhD programs

Accrediting agencies such as ANCC and JCHO are putting pressure for more bachelors and masters prepared nurses. Also, one of the reasons for the nursing shortage is the lack of instructors with the necessary advanced degrees to teach. An online program is flexible and one way for nurses to obtain the degree they want while still maintaining a work schedule.

Online Degree

Health care is the fastest growing industry in the US. The need for qualified nurses is only going to increase. A bachelors, masters or even PhD degree will put that nurse at an advantage for increased wages, job opportunities, and job security.

Many nurses wonder about the reputation of online degrees. It is important to attend an accredited school, and when there are clinical rotations involved, to work with a qualified and respected preceptor. Every form of education has its benefits and it is often what you make of it that counts.

Many nursing colleges now have wait lists for nursing students, due to the nursing instructor shortage. An online program will allow the potential student to start their studies sooner. The online college degree arena has allowed more accessibility, so many students who were not able to attend a campus based college program are now able to complete an advanced nursing degree through online or distance learning programs.

Nursing Degree Programs Online - Affordable and Flexible

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How You Can Acquire the Best Accredited Online Doctorate Degree

Accredited online doctorate degree students choose advanced courses in their discipline by way of independent studies. Doctoral degree programs normally require about four semesters of full-time study in some conventional colleges. After the successful completion of your PhD program, the next thing is to pass the qualifying exams in order to prove that you have the necessary background to continue with the main research aspect of the course.

Admission requirement into doctorate program is that you must be a Masters Degree holder. There are special graduate courses that can let you start doctoral program after finishing a Bachelors Degree. Accredited online doctoral course is an academic degree that shows you have attained the highest level of academic success.

Online Degree

Accredited online doctorate degree enables you to gain the highest levels of proficiency. In order to receive this qualification, you must finish all the coursework as approved in the course outline, complete the research work and write a publishable thesis.

Online distance learning schools give you the opportunity to study at your own time, without wasting your time and energy to attend campus based classes. You will save some money that you would have used for transport and feeding in the school hostel. You have the advantage of pursuing the degree of your choice at your convenient time and maintain your present job while you complete your PhD program in less than two to three years.

The two basic types of accredited online doctorate degrees program are research and professional. If you want to be expert in your field, I advice you do research doctorate degree. Professional doctorate degrees holders specialized in the areas of medicine, law, chiropractics, dentistry and psychology. Honorary doctorates are not academic. It can be awarded based on your contributions to humanities or a particular field or institutions. Online doctoral programs provide you the opportunity to receive either research or professional degrees.

Finally, before you do any online doctorate degree program, make sure you research to know whether the college or university is recognized and has the accreditation status to run the course you intend to study.

How You Can Acquire the Best Accredited Online Doctorate Degree

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Monday, October 10, 2011

English Composition is an Essential Part of an Online Business Degree

Today, people who are getting their online degree in business are discovering how diverse their education is. Even if your curriculum is focused on classes like accounting or financial management, you'll find that an online degree isn't limited to one field of study. In fact, many online degree programs require students in a variety of academic tracks to take core general education requirements such as English composition.

An English composition class is important to business students for many reasons. The ability to communicate ideas with the written word is paramount in the business world. Online degree programs that offer business degrees recognize this important fact and design their curriculum with that knowledge in mind.

Online Degree

There is hardly a facet of business that doesn't involve the skills a student learns in an English composition class. Thesis, organizational structure, clarity of thought, transition from idea to idea, and conclusions are all important parts of an English composition, but they are also important in communicating an idea to your colleagues in business. Without the ability to effectively communicate, many business propositions would never get off the ground.

No matter which part of business you want to focus on when you graduate, your online degree program will prepare you for it. That includes the ability to write effective and concise papers; skills you will learn in an English composition class. Those skills will be in constant use in the business world; in fact you will use many of the skills you learn in English composition when you are preparing for job interviews.

For example, if you are interested in marketing, your online program will no doubt have you working on mock advertising campaigns. They may ask you to develop a new product line, or even create a brochure for a real company. You won't be able to accomplish any of those tasks without the skills you gain from your English composition class. Making sure your presentation is free from grammatical errors and misspelled words are basic tenets required when communicating with the written word.

Even if you are not communicating with the written word, but making an oral presentation, the process will likely begin with an outline or a formal paper. Your oral presentation will have to follow an organizational pattern, one that may be similar to the type of structure you learn in your English composition class. Many oral business presentations are accompanied by visual aids, like a Power Point presentation. Basic fundamentals like spelling and grammar will help your presentation slides look professional and well thought out.

If the online degree program you choose is a business management or administration track, your English composition classes will be a critical element of your degree. At the management and administrative level of most businesses, the ability to communicate effectively and clearly with the written word may mean the difference between success and failure. Proposals, reports on progress of projects, letters to clients, and memos to staff are just a few of the written communications that you will need to create on a daily basis for your work.

Being enrolled in an online degree program that prepares you for all aspects of the business world is important. While learning to think in an entrepreneurial manner or acquiring basic accounting knowledge is vital for careers in business, the fundamentals of education are also equally essential. An English composition class can help prepare you for the challenges of communicating with your peers as well as the people you manage. Success with the written word may be the very thing that sets you apart from other people in your career track, paving the way for a higher salary and a promotion track to upper management.

English Composition is an Essential Part of an Online Business Degree

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

An LPN to RN Bridge Online Degree Program Explained

An LPN to RN bridge online degree program is an educational program that a licensed practical nurse can take to earn a higher degree in nursing. This degree qualifies the student nurse to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). The NCLEX is a required examination that all nursing graduates must take and pass to become a licensed registered nurse in the US.

Is the move from LPN to RN a feasible career direction for you to take? Yes. There is a growing scarcity of registered nurses. One that a World Health Report- 2003 (WHO) acknowledged: "The most critical issue facing health care systems is the shortage of people who make them work".

Online Degree

In the USA today, statistics show that there is a population on ratio of 773 nurses for around 100,000 patients (The Global Nursing Review Initiative-2005).

Clearly, there is a wealth of job opportunities for an LPN looking for career advancement as an RN in the health care industry. As an RN, you will gain better autonomy. You will also be in the best position to assume a leadership role and substantially increase their ability to earn.

Is there one particular LPN to RN bridge online nursing degree program that you should be looking to join? No - the one that works is a program you have designed for yourself.

As an active LPN, you will be juggling a fulltime job while studying. The first step then is to evaluate your personal circumstances and your career goals.

Ask yourself these questions:

How will you be able to devote sufficient time to learning, while functioning at work and participating in your family's lives? Can you rely on your family's support to take on or rotate some of these domestic tasks with you?

Second step - inform the human resources department about your career plans. Their assistance will help you several ways:

1. Rescheduling work shifts.

2. Recommendations and guidance on hospital supported programs, as many hospitals offer tuition reimbursements.

3. Assist you in securing a position in your workplace, for your clinical learning experiences. This is a requirement of both online and offline nursing programs.

Third step - do an engine search for the different schools. Check out their programs. Submit your accomplishments to the accredited schools and then compare which among these will give you the most credits to becoming an RN. Most virtual schools give 30 credits to licensed practical nurses.

Last step - Once you have selected the program to enroll in, use the school's resources. Most schools will assign you a guidance counselor to assist you with the application process, identify financial aid resources, and help you create a schedule that suits your work and personal schedules. This will help you on your path to bridge the LPN to RN career path.

An LPN to RN Bridge Online Degree Program Explained

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